Difference between 301 Redirect and 302 Redirect ?

I have also explained the 301 redirect in previous post.

301 Redirect :  
 Webpage or website permanently moved to other website or webpage its done through 301 redirect.
301 redirect pass the approx 90-99% Link juice(authority of page) to 301 redirected URL . 
There are many instance where we would be used 301 redirect
1. redirect 404 pages to home page or relevant pages.
2. switch from old domain to new one.
3. switch from old product/service to new one.
4. for making WWW or non WWW version of website.
301 Redirect and 302 Redirect

302 Redirect :
 When a website or webpage is temporary moved to other web page or website then a 302 redirect will be used.

302 Redirect does not pass the authority( Link Juice) to redirected URL.

One more interesting point ,302 redirect is only applicable for approx 7- 8 days. After that it will be automatic removed .
Instance where 302 redirect will be used:
1. When website or web page is under construction  or under maintenance  .


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